On Saturday April 23rd, across the capitols of all 50 states, horse advocates are rallying to “Leave Them Wild”. They are calling it “Nationwide Wild Horse Freedom Rallies”.https://www.wildhorsefreedomrally.com/
See their Facebook post for Arizona HERE.
The horse advocates are “rallying” because they do not want the U.S. Forest Service to perform roundups on the Apache National Forest (ANF) and remove unauthorized livestock (feral horses). These feral horses moved into the forest after the Wallow Fire burned the fences separating the ANF and the White Mountain Apache Reservation in 2011. There are now hundreds of horses on the ANF, with the latest estimate in excess of 400 animals. AZSFWC, including 30 of our member organizations and other groups as well, have advocated for the humane removal of these animals from the ANF. This ever growing “herd” of unauthorized livestock is literally destroying the forest habitat, and with it the species that live there, or used to anyway.

Pictures are worth a thousand words, and this A-S Brochure says it all. Please share this message with your groups, friends, and associates.
For the sake of the forest and our wildlife, enough is enough!