AZSFWC Impacts Federal Judge’s Decision on Unauthorized Livestock on the Apache National Forest

AZSFWC and 28 of our member organizations have been supporting the Apache National Forest (ANF) in their efforts to humanely remove unauthorized livestock (feral horses) from the Forest for months now (read more about that HERE).  The round up began last month with some success, however it was halted when the International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros filed a Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction to stop the sale of the livestock. The Federal District Court for Arizona, Judge Steven Logan issued a Temporary Injunction. 

On July 22, a hearing was held before the Judge, and then on July 28, the Judge issued an Order that denied the ISPMB’s Motion.  In his Ruling, the Judge pointed out the support the ANF has received by numerous organizations, and specifically mentioned the sportsmen’s organizations that weighed in on this matter. Click here to read the Ruling and references on page 14.

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